Friday evening, after my arrival, Tapley, Dobbs, David, Brad and myself went to Sol Azteca, a popular hangout for Auburn people in Bham, as evidenced by the vast amount of Auburn alumni we saw while dining there. We then went to check out David, Brad, and Chase's new house, which is very neat, with lots of windows and a very creepy basement. David's room has a full wall of mirrors, like a dance studio, and Chase's features a four wall mural illustrating Dr. Seuss' One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Both of these upgrades were inherent to the rooms upon arrival. Feeling that his seemingly normal room was lacking in fancy features like these, Brad installed a very large mounted deer head which stares with it's shiny glass eyes directly at his bed. When questioned about whether or not this creeped him out, Brad insists that the positioning on the wall was intentional, and that the deer "watches over him." And the She-trout (a human-sized, trout-shaped pillow.)
We were soon joined there by Walker, just in from a business trip in Jackson (yeah, we're grown-ups now. Or at least he is.) Chase, just in from a long day taking care of the infirm at the hospital, and Reed, just in from cooking some deer meat on his green egg. Reed regaled us with many amusing tales, as only Reed can do, including the tale of the time he may or may not have impersonated an officer. I would attempt to retell it here, but only he can tell it the right way.
He also shared that the deer meat he had recently cooked left a little to be desired, and so he did not want it for himself. However, he had decided he wanted to take some to the homeless of Birmingham in an act of generosity. We thought he was probably joking, until we realized that he had already bagged the meat individually and it was waiting in his truck. Deciding this was something we did not want to miss, Dobbs and I joined Reed and David on their mission. Not moments after we arrived downtown, we came across a man who looked down on his luck. David asked if he was hungry, and the man said yes, and was handed a bag of food. He asked if we had some water also, which we did not, and we all felt extremely bad that we couldn't help him with his thirst. After actually seeing someone in real need, the task lost any amusement factor it may have had, and I think everyone hoped we would be able to help a few more hungry people like the man we'd just seen. To the credit of Birmingham and I suppose their homeless shelters, we only ran across three more homeless people in the downtown district, all of whom said they were not hungry. We then wished we had given the first man more food.
At this point, a disappointed Reed (who had hoped to share his wealth of food with many, and still had several bags left) saw some [clearly not homeless] bar-goers crossing a street, and queried a young man decked out in necklaces, rings, and one of those hats with the flat bill and the sticker on it, whether he and his two [very dolled-up] lady friends might be hungry. "Huh?" said the young man, and Reed clarified "would you like some cooked deer meat?" The young man, clearly insulted, replied "man, do we LOOK like we hungry for some COOKED DEER MEAT??" Reed, nonplused, said "well I thought so, but I guess not," and drove away. We then went to an establishment in possibly Mountain Brook [?] and then returned home. I will include some photos despite how amazingly unflattering they are of yours truly.
Me and Dobbs
David and Myself
Self, Dobbs, Reed, and Kacey Eoff
Saturday, Tap and I enjoyed a lazy day of television and perhaps a little shopping, then a pleasant evening of pizza and the Miss America pageant (alternated with the Senior Bowl, to help the males not feel bad for watching the pageant) along with Walker, Dobbs, David, Brad, and Will and Jana Flinkow. It was a nice college flash-back, although Claire, Krisha, and Krisan were notably missing in the Commune line-up. Sunday was church and of course CSI: Miami, which Tapley thankfully tivos, and on to Atlanta where Jason made pizzas from scratch! After such an eventful, college-esque weekend, it's tricky to come back to the real world, although I am attempting by tallying up timesheets.
Lilley has requested I post this little fact.
from the reputable source wikipedia
The turn of the century brought the substantial growth that gave Birmingham the nickname "The Magic City" as the downtown area developed from a low-rise commercial and residential district into a busy grid of neoclassical mid-rise and high-rise buildings and busy streetcar lines. Between 1902 and 1912 four large office buildings were constructed at the intersection of 20th Street, the central north–south spine of the city, and 1st Avenue North, which connected the warehouses and industrial facilities stretching along the east–west railroad corridor. This impressive group of early skyscrapers was nicknamed "The Heaviest Corner on Earth". Optimistic that the rapidly growing city could be further improved, a group of local businessmen led by Courtney Shropshire formed an independent service club in 1917. The group would later incorporate and become the first chapter of Civitan International, now a worldwide organization.[4]
now thats a blog!! my only hope was that i could have been a part of the adventures of the weekend. i am still on the hunt for the lamest blog post ever....
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